Wednesday, June 27, 2012

We're back!

Hi friends!

We are excited to share some photos with you from our wonderful trip. Please excuse the length of the video--neither of us are exactly known for brevity. :)

Due to technical issues, we recommend you watch the video in "small player" and not in full screen as it gets quite grainy.

We will be sharing more thoughts with you soon but wanted to start with this.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thankful hearts.

We can't believe we leave this week!* Wow! We are rolling all of our clothes tightly, making very long lists and praying that our shoes can squish down just a tiny bit more so our suitcases latch! (One of us probably needs more prayers in this department and we'll let you guess who!) The countdown is on!

We owe a big THANK YOU to all who have supported us through prayer, generous donations, and encouraging words. Thank you for sharing life with us, for caring enough to ask questions, for loving us and others well. We feel so very blessed to be a part of such a giving community.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Due to your generosity, we were able to purchase some of the school supplies for the children but plan to purchase the majority of the supplies needed upon our arrival in Bangalore. Please pray that our bags of resources get through the airport underweight and unscathed.

Also, we are excited about some new details regarding our trip. Our friend and interim missions pastor Don will also be in Bangalore hosting a conference for his house church ministry. We look forward to spending a day with Don and seeing yet another way God is working in Bangalore.

We also confirmed a two-day stay in London on our way back home. We are strategically planning those precious 48 hours and are so thankful for the hospitality of our host family. Thank you for being so gracious!

This will likely be our last post until we return. Please be sure to check back in a few weeks for photos and updates from our trip!


Adam and Sara

*In case you are curious, we have 22 hours of flying in store for us Saturday. That's right. 22 hours in the air. Pray for Sara. Well, on second thought, pray for Adam.